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Start / Personal Data Policy

Personal Data Policy

Management of your personal data

Nordanstig Municipality / upplevnordanstig.se protects your personal integrity and strives to protect your personal data in the best possible way. This policy outlines for Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se regulations regarding the collection and processing of personal data and the use of cookies. Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se undertakes to respect and protect such information and your personal privacy in accordance with current Swedish legislation.

By agreeing to our terms, you agree to us using your personal data in this way.
We will not share your personal data with business partners, or with third parties, unless there are special reasons, e.g. that police, prosecutors or the like request information.

What personal data we process

When visiting the website:
Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se can save information about your preferences and how you use the website upplevnordanstig.se. or to linked social media and other third parties such as advertising networks etc. Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se can save your IP address, what you yourself publish on the Internet via, for example, social media, searches you make via Internet search engines, which website you come from , which website you go to after visiting and which choices are made and which type of information and which events you show interest in. Demographic and geographic information may also be saved.

When responding to a survey/market survey/web form:
Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se saves information from market surveys and mailings: Your responses to, and use of, market surveys, advertising mailings and e-mails may be saved. Among other things, information about your use of newsletter sending via e-mail, including opening of newsletters, which links are clicked and the type of information you show interest in may be saved.

How the information is collected Information
you provide yourself when contacting Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se:
You can provide Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se with information when creating an account, choosing settings or services, telephone contact, when contacting Nordanstig tourist information / upplevnordanstig.se. see via web form or e-mail etc.

Information about your preferences and usage:
Retrieved through so-called cookies or beacons placed by Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se or placed there by third parties. Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se can also collect such information from social networks or other third parties such as advertising networks or newsletter providers.

 Data Protection Regulation

Why we process personal data

Enable customary customer administration and for us to be able to fulfill our commitments to you

  • Be able to offer a higher level of service
  • To be able to provide you with relevant content in the form of newsletters, advertisements, SMS or other type of information that you desire.

With whom we share personal data

Vizzit - statistics and maintenance tool

Name ___vizzit
Domain upplevnordanstig.se
Expires After 1 year
Type Analytical cookies
Information The tool collects anonymized information about how visitors use our website. This helps us to improve and further develop the website to offer the best possible visitor experience.
In order to collect the most reliable information possible, a Vizzit cookie is added to the visitor's browser. The website can be used as usual without this cookie, but this reduces our ability to understand and meet the needs of visitors.
The information collected through Vizzit's cookie is only saved on Vizzit's own servers, located in Sweden, to which only Vizzit's staff have access.
The information collected is not shared with third parties under any circumstances.
This is how Vizzit handles collected data

How long do we save your data?

Nordanstig municipality / upplevnordanstig.se saves your personal data as long as it is necessary to achieve the purposes described in the policy. If you unregister from our services, we will delete your personal data as soon as we can, with the exception of de-identified data that we may save for statistical purposes and for advertising posts published on our social media.

If you want to know more

Once per calendar year, you can find out free of charge which of your personal data we handle. Your written request should be sent to the mail address [email protected] and must be signed by you personally. You can at any time request that we correct or delete the information about you if your information turns out to be incorrect or out of date.

Nordanstig municipality (212000-2312) is responsible for personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Contact information:
Nordanstig municipality
Box 56
829 21 BERGSJÖ


On our website, we use cookies to ensure that the website works well for you. By continuing to surf, you agree to our use of cookies.
What are cookies?