Logotype for the Tourist Centre - Visit Nordanstig
©Nordanstig Tourist Center

About us - Nordanstig Tourist Information, Sweden

Nordanstig Tourist Information - We provide you with information about our local area and landscape. Accommodation, activities, events etc. Call us or send an email and we will help you!

Färgillustration - ljusblå delsbosöm

Visit Nordanstig/ Nordanstig Tourist Information
+46(0)652-361 10
E-mail: [email protected]

We work all year by phone, e-mail and with all our web channels. You will also find tourist information and brochures at our InfoPoints and at the companies on various locations at the destination.

Postal address: 
Nordanstig Municipality
Att. Nordanstig Tourist Information
Box 56
SE - 829 21 BERGSJÖ

Opening hours in 2024:

Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. by telephone and e-mail. 
ATTENTION! However, sometimes during parts of the year we participate in meetings and training etc. and may not be reached at the moment. But send us an email or leave a phone message, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Holidays 2024
Swedens National Holiday - June 6:th & friday 7:th, we are not open.
Midsummer weekend- June 21-23, we are not open.

Thank you for visiting us last summer!
In the summer of 2023, we have been out on tour at various places in Nordanstig to meet you all. 
Thanks for pleasant meetings and conversations with all of you! We hope to see you again in 2024!

Färgbild utomhus - våra stolar och beachflagga och broschyrkorg som används på våra turer ute i kommunen

Färgbild - vår vita turistbil som vi åker runt med i sommar

Logotype Tourist Information grön bakgrund vit text

Our office is an authorized Tourist Information by the branch organization VISITA in Sweden. We provide high quality service for you as a visitor. Read more >>>

About the Corona Viruse - Safe to Visit

To us your safety is very important. We follow all current restrictions.

Our InfoPoints

There are four InfoPoints in our local area of Nordanstig.