Ride icelandic horses
Ride icelandic horses
Ride icelandic horses
Date: 17 February - 9 March

Winter Break Activities - Horseback Tours in Hassela

To do Events Enterprise and Industry

Fr. 650 SEK per person

Welcome to join on lovely horseback tours in the winter landscape of Hassela in Hälsingland, Sweden.

Price information

Booking via website or send SMS to +46(0)70-513 69 54


Here are our available times for the coming weeks sports holiday, lots of lovely riding on lively and happy horses awaits. Come hang out with us
The Ölsjö tour, two-hour tour riding SEK 850/p
Hall tour, one-hour tour riding SEK 650/p

Week 8
Monday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Tuesday 11:00, Hallsturen
Wednesday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Friday 11:00 Hall tour
Saturday 11:00 a.m. The beer lake tour
Sunday-Full-day course with Camilla Hed, 2 places left SEK 1,500/p

Week 9
Monday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Wednesday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Friday 11:00, Hall tour
Saturday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Sunday 11:00, Hallsturen

Week 10
Monday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Tuesday 11:00, Hallsturen
Wednesday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Thursday - Day camp 10:00-16:00 for children 10-15 years. SEK 950/p
Friday 11:00, Hall tour
Saturday 11:00, Ölsjö tour
Sunday 11:00, Optional horse ride

Booking is easiest via our website
www.ridislandshast.se or
via SMS to Elin Östberg 070-513 6954


Date & time (<% occasionResult.length %>)

Date Time Arena/Location
Monday 17 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Tuesday 18 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Wednesday 19 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Thursday 20 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Friday 21 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Saturday 22 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Sunday 23 February 09:00 - 16:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Monday 24 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Wednesday 26 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Friday 28 February 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Saturday 1 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Sunday 2 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Monday 3 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Tuesday 4 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Wednesday 5 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Thursday 6 March 10:00 - 16:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Friday 7 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Saturday 8 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård
Sunday 9 March 11:00 Storskogens Hästturer/Halls gård